Monday, September 19, 2005

Reflection- podcasting

Today I learned how to make a podcast! A podcast is an audio blog and is much easier than blogging because all you do is record your voice into the computer, click publish and whammo- it's up there!

The new team 13 podcast can be located here

Because of this learning I can now use yet another exciting way to publish our work to the world.

The next step in my learning is to get team 13 members into this form of sharing.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Today I learned how to pull out the keyboard. It was fun!!!
Because of this learning I can now pull out the keyboard!!!
Today I learned how to use blog
Because of this learning I can now use it all the time.
Something I dont understand is how do I get into the blogger.
The next step in my learning is to find out from the teacher or ask a freind.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Today I learned how to play raka ball it was fun but you need to have equal teams anthor good game is sleint ball on chairs it gets very difficult

3D shape

today i learned how to make a net and make into a 3D shape
because of this learning i now do not find it differcolt to make a 3D shape
my next step in learning is to be able to have fun in aussi


I am greatful for my writing skills because it has led me to get a prize.
I have learned today that the extra newspaper has NOT come with my publishd story in it.
I promise myself today that I will stop bugging Mrs Bonnifant about the extra newspaper.


Today I learned how to do the new dance
that we added on and I am really pleased about it so
now I can do the dance and
something I don't understand iswhy we have to do
Wearable Arts when there is no one to comepet in
and thenext step of my learningis to
learn the chior songs off by hart..

Reflection-Wearable Arts

While I have been doing ''Wearable Arts'' I have learned about: Design, creating , dancing/drama and performing.
Something I didn't understand was why we were only allowed to make 1 costume per group.
I now understand why, it's because everyone would really struggle, I mean most groups have just managed to finish 1.


Reaflection-Wearable Arts

Over the last few weeks I learnt how
to make a creative costume made out of
that anyone wouldn't use for thire clothese and
because of this learning I can
now be sure what Wearable Arts means when they say about it
I will know and the next step of my learning is to do things that I havn't done
something that I don't uderstand is why we had to make the costume
for Wearable Arts when there is no one to compet in..

Reflection-Wearable Arts

In the wearable arts it was easy to ring sources of materials for the costume since I had already had experience doing that in inquiry. It was harder filling out the RAMS form, transport letter and permission forms!!! That has given me experience preparing for a trip because we didn't go on any trips in inquiry. My mum helped me a lot with design ideas for the costume.
I really enjoyed helping choreograph the dance intro for beyond our natural world.
Overall, I really enjoyed doing wearable arts and I would happily do them again!

Wearable arts

I think that so far wearable arts has gone really well!!!!!!

If I did it a second time I wuld do some things differently: Plan as I go, NOT be the model and work with some people that I dont usually work with.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Reflection- the word pedagogy

Today I learned that that there is no word for learners relating to the word pedagogy. I learned this by going online to the Visual Thesarus and looking it up. I realised this when reading a book I'm referring to for my keynote in Dunedin called 'The Children's Machine' by Seymour Papert.

Something I didn't understand is that I thought this word meant 'the art and science of teaching children' when according to VT it really only means 'the science of teaching or instruction'. A colleague I met at the thinking conference in Melbourne described it as the 'art and science of teaching'. I checked with our Oxford dictionary at home and yes, it is the art and science of teaching...

Because of this learning I now have a deeper understanding of the word pedagogy and how it relates to teaching and learning. It has also led me to question what I say more closely, because I believe that what we say becomes who we are and what we do.

The next step in my learning is to try to invent a new word for the 'art and science of learning' or 'being a great learner'.

GLP - My computer

I'm grateful for my high speed internet and my computer that has 2000 mhz, 1 gb ram and 230 gb hd space

I have learned how to play really cool games, make animations and make song using garageband

I promise to not just play games I'll be creative too

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Today I learned that you can use a protractor with maps and that if you had a compase iit would prove good use

because of this learning I can now use it to help me in bush


Today I learned how to tern fractions into percentage and
because this learning ,now I can do well in maths and something
I don't understand
is why Sam browny's cat went up the roof and wouldn;t come down
next step of my lerning is to finalise the costume for the wearable arts.

Reflection- fractions

Today I learned that learning to convert fractions to percentages is a good way to help people practise their basic facts. I learned this because we were using improper fractions (when the numerator is large than the denominator) and converting them to regular fractions and then to percentages.

Because of this learning I can now help my students understand the importance of memorising their basic facts in another way, plus I can also look for ways to make this conversion easier for those who don't yet understand.

The next step in my learning is to check on those who don't understand how to convert fractions, plus give those who do understand an opportunity to invent a game which helps to teach this to others. Some have created a bingo-type game which is a good idea!

Reflection- Mediators

Today I learned that sometimees being on mediators can be very boring!!!
Especially when no one has a proper problem.
The only problems we got were things more to do with us telling people off which is not whatmediators do.
Because of this learning I now know to take something to do.

Reflection-Wearable Arts

Today I learned that having a parent help (Liz) really helps!!!
We have advanced on the costume and are much nearer completion.
I also learned that it is quite uncomfortable in a chicken wire corset!!!!
Because of this learning I can now expect what to feel like in my corset and
be happy that the wearable arts costume is just about finished!!!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My blog 2:36 pm

Today I finished my speech and when I practised it with Edward and Tim it was 1 minute 56 seconds. But when I read it to the class it was 2:36 instead of my other time. I think my speech was good because I made it funny. In the afternoon we had wearable arts and we have nearly finished our one.