Friday, July 31, 2009

Term 3 Week 2

What did Team 13 get up to this week?

* Cass was the star child. - Cass

* We made some slime - Annabelle

* We learnt u_e words - Tom

* We played a game to tell the time, girls against boys and the girls won twice - Eliza

* We made up games. This was fun. We made up the rules and I made the rule go back 5 spaces and you have to do that. - Keenan

* We are learning to write procedures and instructions - Rose

* We are learning our mihi because it's Maori week this week and we are doing our mihi's on the night our parents come to se what we have been learning and doing at school (Student Led Conferences) - Daniel, Kyle and Ryan. Some of us did our mihi's in front of our buddy class room 9 - Rose.

* We looked at different procedures and one was a recipe for making slime. - Mary. We decided to follow this recipe to see if we can make slime. - Jee-Sung. Miss Kincaid got us the ingredients to make the slime - Trent.

* Mrs R came in and took us for reading and P.E. - Mary. We played a basketball game - Reilly. We also played simon says which was fun - Annabelle. We played simon says in Maori this made the game quite hard. - Ryan.

* The Patrick Stars and the Planktons had to do a contract on a journal story called 'The fox and the goat'. It was about a fox who tricked a goat and made him fall down a well. - Tom

* Miss Kincaid taught us some Maori songs - Rosa. We are leading junior assembly next week and we are going to sing these songs. - Eliza.

* The Student Led COnferences are no longer in week 5 they are now going to be in week 8. - Miss Kincaid

* We are about to go to the village to hear Miles teach us about mihi's and why we do them. - Miss Kincaid

* Today we got new books for our bible studies lessons from Rose. - Anna-Lucy

* Some children from Room 17 came and shared their mihi's with us. - Rose

Friday, July 24, 2009

Term 3 Week 1

What did we do in our first week back for term 3?

* We looked the the long and short 'o' vowel sounds. Anna-Lucy

* Eliza was our star child for the week and she brought in her Labradoodle called Daisy. She was cute and energetic and fluffy. She tried to bite (gently) and lick everyone's face. Ryan and class

* It was Anna-Lucy's birthday on Wednesday. Annabelle

* Mr Sibson was away sick - Trent

* We did our poetry in our buddy class's room - Alex

* We got a new student in our class and his name is Daniel. We do already have a Daniel in our class so to stop getting confused we will call the original Daniel, Dan and the new Daniel is still Daniel. - Reilly

* All week we did poems for reading time and we took them home to read everyday. Rose

* Cass came back to school with a cast on her arm. - Mary

* We read a diary of a worm and of a wombat. We want to be a wombat - Eliza. The wombat mostly slept - Trent

* We learnt a new jump jam song to share with the rest of the middle and junior school next week - Kyle

* We did a test on what we know about telling time in days, months years, clocks and reading calendars. - Keenan

* We saw this amazing invention that used balls to make music - Trent

* We are reading another goosebumps story about warewolves. - Ryan

* We are learning to be friendly kids in friendly classrooms, this is our topic - Miss Kincaid

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ice skating and X - ray

On Sunday I went ice skating. I fell over backwards and got a sore left wrist. I had to have an X-ray. The doctor said that I broke my wrist (I have a greenstick fracture)! So I had to get a cast. I chose pink. I got to keep my X- ray (which I think is cool).

One of the problems with having a cast is that I can't go skiing. My little sister is going to learn to ski. I am going to have a snowball fight with Mummy. Later in the ski season my little sister might be able to teach me how to ski!


Monday, July 06, 2009


Hello Reilly and Mary

I hope you are enjoying your holiday so far. I love your acrostic poem Mary, sounds like you are going to have a good holiday. Wouldn't it be nice to have a bit of sun shine.

Miss Kincaid

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Fiji acrostic

Hot sun
Overseas we go
Lucky spot
Island fun
Dive in the sea
Action adventure

By Mary

Friday, July 03, 2009

Yay its the holidays now

Term 2 Week 10

Here we are at the end of term 2 already. Man how this term went fast. What have we done this term?

* Rose was the star child and i_e was the handwriting focus for the last week. - Ryan

* Today it was the sausage sizzle and I had 3 sausages - Trent

* We learnt a new song called called We're all in this together - Alex

* On Wednesday we saw ElGregoe the magician - Kyle

* We officially opened the playhouse and we got to play in it on Wednesday - Annabelle

* For the opening of the playhouse I did a speech. I was excited and shivering with nerves all at the same time - Mary

* I went to boys breakfast with my father and my brother and it was really funny and the boys won when they were throwing the basketballs into the hoop and my dad tried to throw it in and he missed - Tom

* ElGregoe's parrot came too - Reilly

Miss Kincaid wishes us all a very happy and safe holiday! Can't wait to see you again next term. Don't forget to contribute to this blog over the holidays Team 13.