Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Team 13 Newsletter

Term 4 Week 3

What's on?

Week 3 (This week)
Swimming - Our swimming time is 1pm so we will be leaving at 12.30 to get to the pool in time to get changed and ready for our lesson. We will have a snack at 12 to tied us over but won't each our lunch until we get back so we don't get stitch before swimming. Thank you to all those parents who volunteered to help with this, please come along on the day/s you said you could help by 12.25pm.

Disco - Friday 29th October, Halloween Disco Juniors (Yrs 1 -3) 6 - 7.15pm. Seniors (Yrs 4 - 6) 7.30 - 9pm.

Week 4
Swimming continued

Middle Team Gala - Wednesday 3rd November. This is an after-school event and everybody is welcome to come and see what is up for grabs, there will be all kinds of stalls, music and talent on show. Come and check it out, don't forget to bring your money.

PTA Golf Tournament - Friday 5th November

Week 6
Student Led Conferences - Please make sure you have returned your forms stating which time you wish to have these conferences. If you do not put a time in one will be allocated to you. This is the conference that your child leads with you in a group with other class mates. These are half hour slots and your child, along with 3 or 4 other families, will lead you through a day in the life of a Junior Team Member. They will go over what happens in their classroom and what they have learnt and then they will take their learning reports home with them for you to have a better look through. This will then be returned the following week.

Week 7
Last Day for Bible's in Schools - Friday 26th November

Learning Reports to be returned.

Mini Music Night - For any child who has learnt a musical instrument this year.

Orchestra Demo Concert - The school orchestra will demonstrate all the instruments that will be available to learn next year. Should you wish your child to learn an instrument a form will go home following this concert for you to fill in for next year's tuition.

Week 8
Junior Athletics Day - Run, Jump Throw day 11 - 1pm Thursday 2nd December. This is the Junior version of athletics day. This is only for the junior school and parents are welcome to come and watch and then share lunch with them afterwards. Sport uniforms to be worn on this day. (Postponement day is the 6th December)

Read, Feed, Speed Day - Day for the Dad's to come in and have some fun with their children. They will come to the classrooms and read with their children, then share in a sausage sizzle and then partake in some physical activity on the fields in a very friendly class game of soccer. Friday 3rd December

National Standards Reports - NS reports go home this Friday.

Week 10
Cathedral Visit - Thursday 16th December. Come and listen to the lovely singing voices of the junior team as they sing Christmas Carols at the Christchurch Cathedral.

Final School Assembly - You will be welcome to take your children home straight after the assembly at 10am

Hopefully that covers everything that is pertaining to the Junior school for the remainder of this term. If you have any questions about any of these events can you please see your classroom teacher.

Thank you.
Cat Kincaid

Monday, October 11, 2010


Dear Parents

The first day back went well and the children all seemed very excited about being back. This week we are focusing on The Commonwealth Games and a few children are doing a wee project to share with the class on Friday about it. I am looking forward to seeing what they have found out. They are also pretty excited about sharing it because they get to use the iPad to record their findings.

The children will need to remember to bring their sunhats to school now and they can leave them in the cloakbay until they leave at the end of the term. If you already know that you will be leaving early this year please try to remember this hat otherwise it will go to lost property at the end of the term and you will need to find it when you come back next year, this goes for any jerseys or anything left behind as well.

After Labour Weekend (week 3 Tuesday 26th October) the children will be starting their swimming lessons. Please make sure that everything your child brings to school is labelled especially if you want to get it back. This includes undies and socks as we have had these left behind before and no child ever claims them, so please make sure you label all your child's clothes, togs, towels and bags etc.

We are going to start a new "Drop your child off at the door" policy every Wednesday. This means that no parents are allowed into the classroom on Wednesday mornings as we are trying to encourage their independence and see if they can organise themselves. If this works well and all children are able to manage themselves then we may finish the year off as we mean to start them next year as this is also a pre-requisite for being in a year 3 class next year.

That's it for now. I'll keep you updated as things become more evident to me (or until I get my head around things too lol)


Saturday, October 09, 2010

Team 13 Newsletter

Welcome back!

I hope you have all had a wonderful and enjoyable holiday and are now well rested and ready for a fun filled action packed term.

This term we have (not necessarily in this order):
The Fendalton Friends (FF) Commonwealth Games, A wonderful puppet show at the Ngaio Marsh Theatre, The Christchurch Schools' Music Festival at the Town Hall (this is for the senior choir and you may have some older siblings in this), the Halloween Disco, Student Led Conferences, Learning Reports going home, the Golf Tournament, the Feed, Read and Speed Father's Day, Class placements for next year and the Junior Team Christmas Carols at the Cathedral day to name but a few.

But first let's have a look at week 1.
- Welcome back to school. What changes do you notice in the classroom?
Tuesday - FF time 11 - 12.30 to prepare for Thursdays Commonwealth games. A notice will go home with your child today to say what country they are and what colours they need to represent this country. These colours will then need to be worn on Thursday.
Wednesday - The Farm at the End of the Road show 11.00 - 12.30pm. Parent help is required for this excursion however only 1 parent is needed, please see your Classroom teacher urgently if you are interested.
Thursday - FF Commonwealth Games 11 - 3pm Parents are welcome to come and watch, this will be a fun rotation system with a break at 12.30 - 1pm for lunch. Wear your team colours (see notice that went home with your child on Tuesday)
Friday - Anne Talaska will be in Room 13 until lunchtime as I will be away with the Senior Choir for the CSMF practice in Town hall all morning but will be back for the afternoon. We will then have our first Junior Team Christmas Singing Practice for the Cathedral visit later in the term.

As I said this term looks to be a very busy, fun filled action packed term. I will keep you informed as much as I can on this Blog so keep checking it to see what we are up to.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday :-)
Miss Kincaid