Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Reflection-Mucking around

Today I learned that you shouldn't muck around when you shouldn't be.
Because of this Learning I now know that I should do what I am supposed to do instead of mucking around.
The next step in my learning is to do this more often.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Edwards Post

Today I learned that Wearable arts is fun. Because of this learned I will enjoy wearable arts more and make more progress in my work. My next step in learning is to make MORE progress.


Today I Learned that making art can be really really annoying because it makes allot of mess
because of this learning I can now do this cleaner and easer to tidier

Reflection- discussion

Today I learned that talking about things can be good for learning. We had a talk about the difference between stupidity and courage.
Because of this learning I can now talk better in front of an audience and understand the difference between stupidity and courage.
The next step in my learning is to contribute more to discussions and to try and understand things better.


Today I learned
all different things about courage.
Because of this learning in I now know different things about courage.
My next step in learning is to film and learn all my parts in Oprah 2.
By Claude !

disscusion on stupidity and courage

today our class had a interesting discusion about the difference between the two some people thought that courage was not sitting in one place while you could be running away and others thught that you should not sacrifice your life for strangers but you should for any younger family members but not older ones

Reflection- Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe

Today we had some random people come and watch us have a debate about the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Sarah and I had mediators today.

Reflection- actions and consequences

Today I learned that people might do something that they think is smart and then regret it afterwards. I realised this when we were thinking about what beliefs the pilot of the 9/11 plane may have had. This was from a conversation about a situation in the book "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe".
Because of this learning I can now think things over really hard before I do them.
The next step in my learning is to not regret things too much even if I am stressed about what I've done.
By Sarah

Ambrose's Blog

Today I learned how fun Wearable Arts could be. My group (Beyond our natural world) made a shield where your hand goes right through it so it'S easier to wield. We also made a bad laser sword but we need to paint it.

Reflection-Wearable Arts

Today I learned that it is difficult to word a question when you are trying to get something for the wearable arts,especially when you keep being transfered to various people.I also learnedto type a permission form.Because of this learning I can now type a permission form and word questions slightly better.

Reflection- Team Members

Today I learned that if you don't have all your team members for anything it is hard to do what you are doing.
Because of this learning I now know that I should ask any members in my group if they are at school doing something else if they can do whatever I need them to do.
The next step in my learning is to tell group members to do what they are supposed to do.

Reflection- basketball teams

Today I learned that basketball is a sport that involves teamwork because some of our team members at practice weren't being a team and not passing the ball to each other.

Because of this learning our team will hopefully know that basketball is a team sport and will pass more in the game.

The next step in my learning is to try to convince the team to pass more because then we have more chance of getting baskets in the game.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Reflection-cycle safe

Today I learned how to ride my bike on the tragfic and on the tragfic ...

My next step of learning is to get use to it and ride more often...

Something that I don't understand is why only year 6 are doing it why can't the year 5 do it too...


Today I learned that the second injection dosent hurt your arm as much as the first because learning i will not be figity before the next injection

Reflection- injections

Today I learned that after the injections your arms hurt really badly.
Because of this learning I learned to keep moving it so it didn't stay sore for longer. But it still really hurts.
The next step in my learning is make sure I know the strategy place value partititioning for my maths part of my student led conference.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Reflection- division

Today I learnt how to divide numbers that you can't use. Because of this learning I will need less time of maths practise until I go up a level in maths. My next step in learning is to memorise some basic division questions.

Reflection- cycle safety

Today I learnt more about the road rules.
This will help me in the future because I will know more when I do my cycle safty test.
The next step in my learning is to learn some more road rules.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Summer drifts away to be replaced by autumn

Summer drifts away to be replaced by autumn

I have seen leaves falliing and being driven on by cars.
I am hearing people packing away water slides and and paddling pools.
There are new sounds now - I can hear the wind howling through the trees.
I'm smelling leaves being swept up and then blown away.
I can smell wood being dropped off for winter.

Yes it's autumn - Oh well thats good cause then I'll be able to go

Monday, August 08, 2005

Reflection- cycle safe

Today I learned the parts of bikes you need to check before riding your bike and what the names are for those bike parts.

Something that I don't understand is some of the homelearnng like I don't really get what it means.

The next step in my learning is to find out the parts I don't understand and finish my home learning today and to bring my bike tommorow and to publish my poem and only watch a little bit of T.V. ...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Reflection- Algebra

Today I learned how to do some equations for algebra and how to get close with some of the odd

Because of this learning now I can do better maths and for the other learning now I can make other friends
and my next step of my learning is to be more sensible when I am at school. Something I don't understand is why can't we do much harder maths problems at maths interchange.

Reflection- binary

Today I learned how to use binary. I'd like to know how to do letters in binary. I have also done 1 of my goals the hardest part in recording them is when you read something wrong because you have to then record it again.Thats all I can think of.


Today I learned how to simplify problems in Algebra.
I also learned it feels GREAT when you have nearly finished getting all pieces of writing for your portfolio.
Because of this learning I can now simplify problems in algebra.
The next step in my learning is to concentrate REALLY hard at swimming this afternoon in order to achieve my swimming goal.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Today I learned
That when you put your hands on your neck and bend down in a earthquake its actually called a Turtle Neck.
Because of this learning I know what to do in a Earthquake.
My next step in learning is to film Oprah 2 and learn all my parts.
By Claude


Today I learned you need toilet paper if there is an earthquake.
The only reason I think its logical is if you need to go to the toilet.
Because of this learning I know I'll need toilet paper if there
is an earthquake.


Today I learned you need toilet paper if there is an earthquake.
The only reason I think its logical is if you need to go to the toilet.
Because of this learning I know I'll need toilet paper if there
is an earthquake.

bryony's blog

today i learned how to survie in a disaster. because of this learning i can now survie i a disaster.My next step in learning is that eTime gose well on Friday


Today I learned what I should do when threes a earth quakewe played a game and our team won every time I can't think of anything else

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Reflection- becoming more self managing

Today I learned that I've been getting frustrated with some individuals who I see not being as focussed as they could be. Perhaps I'm tired or getting sick or something?

Because of this learning I know that I need to either change things for team 13, get the messages across properly, or find out what is not working.

The next step in my learning is to find out what is causing me to become frustrated, or to refine routines in the classroom or find another strategy.

Something I don't understand is how to help everyone in team 13 to become more self-managing.

bryony blog

today i learned how to rank a website. because of this learning me and my web team can mack a succsesful web site my next step in learning is to mack our wegsaie as good as that

Reflection- using my portfolio properly

Today I learned how to write something up for sending to my portfolio properly.
Because of this learning I can now send things to my portfolio on my own.
The next step in my learning is to make sure that all of my writing on the server has been put into my portfolio.

Reflection- using my portfolio properly

Today I learned how to write something up for sending to my portfolio properly.
Because of this learning I can now send things to my portfolio on my own.
The next step in my learning is to make sure that all of my writing on the server has been put into my portfolio.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Reflection-west zones

Today I learned that when you are in the west zones you need to play as hard as you can even when you are tried and you think the team that you are playing is easy. Because of this learning I now no what too do next year. Some thing I don't understand is why we lost to a team that we can usually bet???!!!
My next step in learning is to cane lam. (witch will happen in 2 weeks time)

by cara

Reflection- home learning

Today I learned how to write goals using a mindmap.
Because of this learning I can now write my goals for home learning, and it is easier than I first thought.
The next step in my learning is to finish my mindmap for home learning.

Reflection-West Zone Tournament

Today I learnt that it was the West Zone Tournament at 9:00 because of this I was not allowed to play because I did not have my gear


Today I learned what is mime mapping inside homelearning
so now I can do it and also
I learned how to play WA in netball and I
hav done well in that place and because of these
leaning now I can do well in my homelearning
and I can do well in netball
and something I don't understand is...
why we are doing G.L.P....