Thursday, June 30, 2005

Reflection- sketching

Today I learned about sketching that sometimes you can make a nice effect if you push lighly on the pencil. Because of this learning I can use this in my art. Something I don't understand is why it makes it so smooth when you look at it? The next step in my learning is to draw in one direction only.

Reflection-Oprah 2

Today I learned that
sometimes you can tape over things because we did in Oprah 2 today.
Because of this learning I now know to be more aware of accidentidly tape things over.
My next step in learning is to learn my parts in Oprah 3!

Reflection- maths quiz

Today I learned that it is quite hard to design a maths quiz using a widish range of questions. I also learned it is really fun making up a pet that is really different. The next step in my learning is to get better at designing quizzes.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Reflection- tsunami safety

Today I learned what to do in a tsunami and about warning systems.
Because of this learning I can now know what to do in a tsunami.
Something I do not understand is how they get such powerful computers!!!!

Reflection - Mr Goff

Today I learned how to survive when a tsunami comes, you just need to get as far in land as you possibly can. I didn't think that it would be so simple and everything made sense.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Inquiry- phone interview

Tommorow I must talk to Melanie Jones about inquiry. I have organised stuff to talk to her about. I can't wait to get my inquiry finished!

Reflection- home learning

Today I am just finishing off my home learning. I am confident and feel ready to present it on Wednesday. I found being organised and doing a little bit each day was really helpful. It makes SUCH a difference not having to worry about it and not having a late night on Tuesday due to using one day for a whole WEEKS home learning. I really like the stuff that I have done and feel that I have done a good job.

Home Learning - Interview Questions

Here are my questions for Alex Rider from the Alex Rider Series by Anthony

Now firstly Alex do you still consider yourself a servant to MI6?

Do you think Mrs. Jones is eviler than Mr. Blunt?

What is your favorite sport?

Is it true that you still like Sabina?

When you first heard about the ark angel project did you suspect it?

Thank you for your time Alex

(Two men enter dressed in khaki army uniform and then another man dressed
in an expensive suit the man dressed in the expensive suit says hello my
name is Mr. Blunt were you broadcasting live?) Interviewer says no
man relaxes men in khaki take out their machine guns and shoot him and all
the recording devices Mr. blunt says to Alex “we cannot have the world
hearing about you then you would be useless to us!!!!!”


Reflection- Inquiry group/Tsunami Health watch show

Today I learned that we could actually do our Tsunami Health Watch show because we only had about 15 mins to film but we actually made it in that time.
Because of this learning I now know that you can do things that you think you can't do. My next step in learning is to learn my parts in Oprah 2.
By Claude

Reflection- calculating area

Today I learned more about area and calculating area. Because of this learning I can now calculate area and not make the silly mistake I made in maths olympiad.

This is the mistake I made:
Since I had not done area for a while I calculated the sides but then I took 50 to 5 and 70 to 7 and then it was 7 times 5 = 35 so then i added on a zero but i should have added on two zeros. so the real answer is 3500!!!

The next step in my learning is to.....
1. Practise my area a little every now and again so i do not forget how to calculate area.
2. To get better at calculating area on shapes like the one in the picture.

Reflection- using a hockey stick

today i learnt:
how to use a hockey stick !!!
because of this learning i can now:
if me do any more hockey or hockey skills
then i could be more better than i was at it and be
able to do it more faster and more strater
like ----> ______ instead of all wobbly
something that i dont understand is:
the next step in my learning is to be
able to do it as fast as some of the other
hockey players even i did play hockey for winter
sport last year but i cant rember how to play still :-) :-0 :-( happy to sad

Reflection- organising ourselves for the web challenge

Today I learned that the web challenge is highly motivating for many students in team 13. I've seen Katie and Bryony working really hard on this in their own time which is very satisfying for me to see. Not all web challenge groups are doing this and I'm interested in why this might be.

Because of this learning I know what is important to them and I also need to ensure that I put in place the right scaffolds so they can be successful. One idea to to allow them to take out some of their home learning activities (that are low priority for them) so they can spend time on the web challenge.

The next step in my learning is to spend some time learning more about their ideas so I can help them as much as possible.

Reflection - Maths Olympiad

Today I learned how to do more complicated maths.

Because of this learning i can now do alot more complicated maths.

The next step in my learning is to get better at Divsion problems.


I think that we've had a pretty unorganised inquiry for this term but everybody says that you learn from your mistakes. I realized that Anna can get very fustrated sometimes the start all of us no that we weren't working very well but towords the end we seemed to get along better and here a picture of me Here's a picture of me ha ha!!

picture of me

Things to think about when reflecting on your inquiry

There are a wide range of things people need to consider when reflecting on their inquiries, here are some thoughts...

A good starting point is to think of the difficult aspects and the easy aspects and the resulting learning from these times. Here are some things to consider:

How well you worked as a team (making decisions, communicating with each other, listening to others' ideas, etc.).

What was hard about the way we formed inquiry teams? What would you suggest for next time?

What it was like creating a key question with people you didn't naturally choose to work with? What was good and not so good about this?

What was it like using the telephone to research? What was difficult? What was easy about this source of information? How does the efficiency of this tool compare to other tools (for example the internet or books)?

How did you manage to check the quality and relevance of the information you found? Which tools did you use to help with this?

How well did you organise the information you found?

Which part of the inquiry process did you and your group find the most challenging and why?

What was the area in which your group needed to improve the most? What would you do differently next time to make this happen? What tools or skills do you need to be more successful next time you do inquiry?

Reflection- powerpoint addiction?

Today I learned that powerpoint is very addictive with the sound effects and all.
Because of this lerning I can now make more effects with powerpoint.
Somthing I don't understand is how it is so addictive.

My next step in learning is to find out what other programmes are like powerpoint.
By Tom

Inquiry reflection

think that we've had a pretty unorganised inquiry for this term but everybody says that you learn from your mistakes. I realized that Anna can get very fustrated sometimes the start all of us no that we weren't working very well but towords the end we seemed to get along better and here a picture of me Here's a picture of me ha ha!!

June 28 reflection on Inquiry

Inquiry Reflection June 28

In inquiry I learned about teamwork and setting ground rules on how your group communicates.
I learned that before you start you need to decide and agree on how you are going to present your findings.
Because of this leaning I can now put this leaning to use in future inquirys so that the group has deside and then set the ground rules of how the group communicates before they begin as well as decided on how they are going to presnt their findings to people.

Pros of the Natural disaster warning systems inquiry group (Katie, George, Gareth and Alexander)

We have finally desided on how we are going to present our findings to the class (after much changing round)

We have got info from people and the internet (there are not many books on our topic as it is a relatively new subject)

We managed to settle reasonably quickly to the task at hand but we were not always on task when planning (Breaking of laptop in schools pod meant we weren't able to use the pod of laptops only class and library computers)

We Managed to work around the avalibility of resourses e.g others using the phone, no computers to use.


We disagreed a lot at the start.

We had problems with recording phone numbers so we had to ring back again and so the reseptionist got a little annoyed!!!!

By Alexander

Questions to help your inquiry reflection

Here are some ideas and questions which you could use to guide your
reflection on your inquiry:

• I think it's a good idea to start with what was easy and what was hard when talking about what you've learned, that then leads you to the specifics about what you've learned.
• What have you learned about asking powerful questions? What was easy/hard about that?
• What have you found out about research? What was easy or hard about this and what would you do differently next time?
• What have the other people in your group learned as a result of working with you? What would they do differently next time?
• How have you learned from your mistakes and the mistakes of others?
• How useful is the information you've found out and what would you use it for to help you int he future?
Mr Clarke

Monday, June 27, 2005

Reflection- HTML programming

I think that its really cool using html programming because it a really easy type of programming.
Here are the basics I know :
To make italics you put < i / > round the letter that you want to be in italics it has to have no spaces in < i / >.

To make it bold just the same but put a b instead of an i. Here's a picture of me ha ha!!

To make a link to a web site: start the anchor with '
enter the text that will serve as the hypertext link in the current document
enter the ending anchor tag: (no space is needed before the end anchor tag)

Format for reflections

This is the format for making reflections.....

Today I learned...
Because of this learning...
Something I don't understand... (you may leave this out if it isn't
suitable on the day)
The next step in my learning is...

From Alexander

Reflection- goal setting

Today I learned that goal setting needs to a continual focus. I learnt this because I gave team 13 a 'test' (which wasn't really a test but rather just me finding out who remembered their goals!) to see if they could remember their goals for term two. As it turned out many couldn't which indicates to me that they aren't thinking about them enough.

Because of this learning I now understand that I need to make the system for goal setting and making progress towards these goals much more obvious and overt. I will do this by publishing goals in a visual way for all to see and refer to all the time- perhaps through art?

The next step in my learning is to make sure I do something about this and make everyone's goals public for all to see. I'll ask team 13 about this tomorrow and get their ideas about how we could do this.

Reflection- Blogger & inquiry

Today I learned how to teach Jinny pronounciation of hard words while doing inquiry & I also learned my whole script.
Because of this learning inquiry will be easier to go by.
I am also glad that I got set up as a blogger so now I can just reflect on the computer.

Reflection- Easier Division

Today I Learned how to do an easier version of 'Division'. It was hard and Jason told me, although I didn't learn how to do it fully.

Because of this learning I can now do some 'division' questions more easily.

The next step in my learning is to learn how to do it fully and do it a lot more quickly.

Reflection- gymnastics and inquiry

Today I learned that C.S.G could have been organised more effectively.
Because of this learning I can now come better prepared next time.
The next step in my learning is to finish my inquiry.

Something I don't understand is why Team 13 aren't going to the library?

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Reflection - Sunday 26 June

Today I slept in, played computer and watched the movie 'The Mask' which was cool. I did some touch typing practice (that was really good). And yeah that's what I did today.

By Tim.F

Reflection- Soccer

Today I played soccer and we drew 4-4 against Leeds, the game was tough because we coulden't get our sprigs into the icy ground. Later on in the day we did some gardening and played a game of soccer in our back lawn. At 6:30 we watched Daredevil, that was cool. Then we watched the rugby and the All Blacks won 21-3. Hip hip Hooray!
By Tim.F

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Today I learned that someone in Auckland is the one who makes the decisions on what to put on the news.The next step in my learning is to e-mail him.

Reflection- learning to work as a team

Today I learned that it is really difficult for many of the inquiry groups to get a consensus when deciding on what to do in their inquiry. The difficulty is happening when some group members are making decisions about what the group should do without including others in their decisions. This in turn causes frustration for others and conflict. I noticed one of the inquiry groups doing an excellent job at dealing with the challenges they faced in this area which is brilliant.

Because of this learning I now think that this inquiry has changed for some of the team to become an 'inquiry into how we work as a team', which in some ways is perhaps more important- the learnings from this will be taken into later life for children.

The next step in my learning is to ensure that we reflect on these happenings in the team and to record some quality ideas about how we can improve next time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Reflection- mediators

Today I learned that some people are finding mediators hard because of this learning I can now help these people.
Something I don't understand is why the hockey team I play in has been put down two grades.
The next step in my learning is to get better at mediation myself.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Flow Week

Dear Team 13,

I've been thinking a lot about the idea of a 'flow week' where people get
to plan out their entire week and still want to try it. Here are some
thoughts for you to consider...

I don't want to disappoint people and make this a 'you're in or out' sort
of thing. I think a good way is for you to self-select based on criteria.
Some of this criteria I will develop as your teacher, and some you will
decide on yourselves. I have created the starting a rubric online ready
for this purpose which we will finish tomorrow.

Once the rubric is finalised we will get people who are interested in this
to complete it, and show evidence if necessary. I'm also wondering if
people need to put in an application explaining why this would benefit
their learning. Do you think people should apply to be considered for this?

I don't want too many people to do this initially, it needs to be a pilot
so that I can get used to managing it as your teacher.

Let's see what we can come up with.

Mr C

Reflection- Michael Campbell and inquiry

Today I learnt that Michael Campbell won the USA golf.
now we have a champion in New Zealand!

Some thing I didn't understand is why Aleisha's Dad hasn't replied to us for the CDHB inquiry question?

My next step in learning is to try to finish our inquiry poster

Friday, June 17, 2005

Pod chat

Here is what Kitty and i said it has a few spelling approxamations as we were typing quick

Kitty Hadley[5:06:59 p.m.] has joined the chat.
Kitty Hadley[5:07:02 p.m.]: hi
Alexander Gregory[5:07:20 p.m.]: hi whoops kitty i invited you twice
Kitty Hadley[5:07:28 p.m.]: what r u doing
Alexander Gregory[5:07:53 p.m.]: well i have settup a podfundraiseing chat
Kitty Hadley[5:08:04 p.m.]: ok
Alexander Gregory[5:08:07 p.m.]: what do you think is a good idea for rundraiseing
Alexander Gregory[5:08:23 p.m.]: fundraising
Kitty Hadley[5:08:56 p.m.]: Muffti days get a lot of money but they are boring
Alexander Gregory[5:09:29 p.m.]: yeah
Alexander Gregory[5:10:01 p.m.]: i dont really like the idea of community service unless i knew what we were diong
Alexander Gregory[5:10:25 p.m.]: and selling kahootz is very expensive for the people buying it 70$
Kitty Hadley[5:10:37 p.m.]: and you do not offen even get paid for doing it
Alexander Gregory[5:10:45 p.m.]: yeah
Kitty Hadley[5:11:19 p.m.]: Mr c wants to do things that cost lots to bye
Alexander Gregory[5:11:48 p.m.]: if they did community service they should say that only the prople directly involved do that while george hamish and myself run a carwash
Kitty Hadley[5:12:05 p.m.]: Mr c is online should I invite him
Alexander Gregory[5:12:12 p.m.]: and the rest could do a market kind of thing
Alexander Gregory[5:12:15 p.m.]: or something
Alexander Gregory[5:12:18 p.m.]: or nothing
Alexander Gregory[5:13:09 p.m.]: and evrybody could bring 2 dollars so then we would have 62 dollars and we would put that towards the cost of replaceing the laptops
Alexander Gregory[5:13:14 p.m.]: or fixing
Alexander Gregory[5:13:23 p.m.]: or whatever
Kitty Hadley[5:13:28 p.m.]: I do not like the idea of selling second hand things
Alexander Gregory[5:13:37 p.m.]: huh hes not on
Kitty Hadley[5:13:58 p.m.]: should i invite mr c he is online
Alexander Gregory[5:14:14 p.m.]: oh well i am saving what we say and I will email it to him
Alexander Gregory[5:14:28 p.m.]: ok invite him definitely
Kitty Hadley[5:14:51 p.m.]: now he has gone off line
Alexander Gregory[5:15:15 p.m.]: oh sorry i was too slow
Alexander Gregory[5:15:32 p.m.]: here is what mr c said to tara and I
Alexander Gregory[5:15:34 p.m.]: Dear Tara and Alexander,

Can you both please get your heads together about the steps we need to go through in order to make this happen?

Don't forget that you need, as part of your process, to decide on ground rules for how people in the committee (once you decide on who is involved) will communicate. This is vital to setting yourselves up for success as you've seen during inquiry time recently!

You are both 'approvers' of the conference above, which means that anything posted there must be given your approval first before anyone else can see it.

Mr Clarke

Alexander Gregory[5:15:51 p.m.]: its long oh well ill forward it to you ok'
Kitty Hadley[5:15:51 p.m.]: what
Kitty Hadley[5:16:09 p.m.]: is it about
Alexander Gregory[5:16:25 p.m.]: the pod committe are you interested
Alexander Gregory[5:16:28 p.m.]: ?
Alexander Gregory[5:16:44 p.m.]: if you dont want to just say
Kitty Hadley[5:17:20 p.m.]: i am not sure if I would have time i having something on every day
Alexander Gregory[5:17:28 p.m.]: thats ok
Alexander Gregory[5:18:07 p.m.]: im sure i can find some other people to do it
Alexander Gregory[5:18:35 p.m.]: so over all what do you think is the best option
Kitty Hadley[5:19:45 p.m.]: The people directly envoled could bring 10 dollars or as much as they want and if the rest of the class wated to they could bring 5 dollars or as much as they want
Alexander Gregory[5:20:03 p.m.]: yeah that would cover the cost
Alexander Gregory[5:20:12 p.m.]: pretty much
Alexander Gregory[5:20:22 p.m.]: yeah that would
Alexander Gregory[5:20:33 p.m.]: great idea
Kitty Hadley[5:20:39 p.m.]: Mr c might want as to work for the money though
Alexander Gregory[5:20:54 p.m.]: yah
Alexander Gregory[5:22:04 p.m.]: but the people who were involved should work and we can chose bring 2$ dollars or something or do a little work id like to do a carwash cos thats fun if i did it with others
Kitty Hadley[5:22:17 p.m.]: i better go soon
Alexander Gregory[5:22:27 p.m.]: ok id better go too
Kitty Hadley[5:22:33 p.m.] has left the chat.
Alexander Gregory[5:22:41 p.m.]: anything more to say email me
Alexander Gregory[5:22:45 p.m.] has left the chat.


TVNZ NetGuide Web Challenge

We've started our journey towards the TVNZ/NetGuide web challenge for 2005 now! web challenge which looks pretty exciting.

I've made the following page on the team 13 web site to help guide you in your competition preparation, plus I've made a conference in FirstClass with a number of things to help you.

Please make sure you follow the guidelines on the page on the site.
Mr Clarke

Reflection- inquiry questions

Today I learned that it takes time to devise really powerful questions. I learned this after Matt and Emily came back from the museum trip which they had organised themselves. The had a whole heap of information that they had learned from their contact at the museum Norton. I turned the piece of paper over and saw the questions they had designed and some of them were really well thought through questions. I can't remember what they were but I do remember that these questions were really seriously powerful (I'll try and find them on Tuesday when I get back to school...).

The other thing I've learned is that I need to be patient and let my students organise themselves. It has been a long process getting the space inquiry group to get their field trip organised but they've done it!

Because of this learning I know that I can trust team 13 to come up with the goods in terms of learning and I can also rely on them to come up with awesome questions! Wow!

The next step in my learning is to share this with the teachers I'm going to work with down south in Dunedin. I also want to involve more people in the team 13 blog somehow and wonder if getting them invited from their parents' email accounts might work?


Today I learned about BEDMAS or BODMAS in maths it stand for...


Because of this learning I can now do sums like this
4 divided by2 +2.

The next step in my learning is to do more advanced sums like this.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Reflection- Chat Transcript

Today I learned how to save the transcript of a chat properly. In your
chat go to 'Setup' then click 'Save Transript', then at the top is the
name. You have to give the chat a name befoe it will save.

Because of this learning I can now save the transcript in a chat.

And I don't really have a next step in my learning.
By Tim

Reflection- maths

Today I learned about BEDMAS or BODMAS in maths it stand for...


Because of this learning i can now do sums like this
4 divided by 2 +2.
The next step in my learning is to do more advanced sums like this.

Reflection- working in a team

Today I learned that I work better with two people than four.

Because of this learning I can choose to work with less people in the future.

The next step in my learning is to try to improve how well I work in a team.

Reflection- inquiry action planning

Today I learned that the inquiry groups in team 13 are starting to get the idea of what it means to make an action plan that helps you as you go. For some reason many of the students thought that once the action plan was 'finished' that it was over- they were missing the point that it is a work in progress and should be constantly changing.

Because of this learning I can now relax a little and maintain my sanity because I know that my patience is paying off- eventually! This has been hard for me because I have had to balance the time required for students to learn to become more self-organising with my desire to more them on!

The next step in my learning is to ensure that I make this very obvious to everyone in team 13, so that they know that action plans are a constant work in progress!!!

Reflection- BEDMAS

Today I learned what B.E.D.M.A.S. means. It means Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and lastly Subtraction. It can also be B.O.D.M.A.S. It means Brackets, Of or Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition and then Subtraction.

Because of this learning I can now use it for Maths and not get too much wrong. But I will have to memorise it.

Something I don't understand is that if it is B.O.D.M.A.S. then there will be two Multiplications because Of can mean Multiply.

The next step in my learning is to use B.E.D.M.A.S. and B.O.D.M.A.S. more.

Reflection- inquiry finding information

Today I learned that finding information in the library is harder than I thought it would be. This is because the numbers I was looking for were really hard to find. Next time I need to figure out where the subject I am looking for is. I could do this by asking Desna where it is first.

Because of this learning I can now find more information more easily.

The next step in my learning is to be able to find the subject without having to ask Desna!

By Tom

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I have discovered that if you attach photos or pictures in a email and email them to blogger then it won't work. You need to download 2 programs on windows (do not know about mac) to upload files OR photos


14 June reflection on inquiry- fos alex

Tuesday 14 June reflection

Today i learned that sometimes in inquiry you need to set some ground rules on how your group communicates and co operates if the group is not co operating because of this learning i can now if the need arises do this in future inquiries.



Reflection- learning to work as a team

Today I learned that many of the inquiry groups are struggling in how
they work together as a team. This is apparent because I can see a range of the following happening:
-people are interrupting each other
-people are making decisions which are not shared by others in their groups which means that some don't know what is happening
-action plans are not being followed by many which means things don't get done as quickly as they could

Because of this learningI need to put in more structure into the inquiry by:
-getting groups to ensure they have completed the action plan rubric and set ground rules for how they will communicate if they need to (many groups need to do this). This should help groups to solve the first two challenges they are facing.
-get action plan rubrics completed urgently by each group.
-display action plans in a public place in the classroom so that everyone knows what each person is doing at any particular time

I also want to ensure that everyone in team 13 understand that inquiry is a natural reflection of real life, where you don't always get to work with the people of your own choice and that you just need to get on with it and figure out the challenges as you go.

The next step in my learning is to find ways to help team 13 become better at working together. This is not a negative, rather it is a challenge which I've observed over time. I guess it is partly due to the fact that we have a group of such incredibly talented young people in the team.

There is no 'I' in 'team' and that is a hard thing to learn. My challenge is to find ways to help team 13 work more effectively as a team. Group inquiry is hard work.

Mr Clarke

Monday, June 13, 2005

Reflection- turning a story into a play

Today I learned that you need to read the whole story instead of part before you try to turn it into a play - if you did not write the story it is even MORE important!!!!!

Because of this learning I can now tell others who are converting a story into a play to do the same.

My next step in my learning is to try skim reading the story and then converting it into a play.

I do not understand why George who wrote the story does not convert it himeself or write a play instead of giving out pages for us to convert?

From Alexander

Reflection - Camera

Today I learned how to turn the 'Flash' on the camera on and off. I learned this when me, Ambrose and Edward where taking photos in The Village for the POD Guidelines.

Because of this learning I can now disable the 'Flash' on the camera when we do not need the 'Flash'.

The next step in my learning is to learn how to take a photo of 1 object on the camera.
By Tim

Reflection- thinking levels

Today it's my birthday and I've learned the difference between the amount of Brain RAM (power) it takes to do something that is easy and something that is hard. Some people think it is easier doing different things for instance some people would think spelling the word 'dictionary' is harder than this maths problem: 678 + 278 =956.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Article- Human Rights

The following site shows how a country's political ideology can create a
human rights disaster:

From the New York Times site:

Hubble telescope sites

Dear Warnings and Space Inquiry groups,

Here is an article from Wired that might interest you and help with your

The Hubble telescope site is also at these sites if you are interested:

Mr C ;-)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Photos of camp are now online

I've finally put the photos from camp online, you can view them by sending any of the students in team 13 an email and they will forward you the link to this private web site.

Mr Clarke

Friday, June 10, 2005

Reflection- using levels of thinking

Today I learned that everyone in team 13 have some brilliant ideas about what it means to use higher levels of thinking. We discussed the question "How could you classify the different levels of thinking?" and "What are the different levels of thinking?"

This is a lead in to learning about how we can use Bloom's taxonomy (use to find the meaning of this word) to help our learning. The first way we will use it is to apply Bloom's taxonomy to reading, which is part of the homelearning this week.

The next step in my learning is to get everyone in team 13 reflecting on this and using blogger to record their ideas.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Reflection-Learning to use Kahootz

Today I learned how to use the software called Kahootz. Kahootz is a
animating program which you can use to make all sorts of stuff, it is
really fun it is a pitty you cannot buy it at the usual stores.

Because of this learning i can now use the software Kahootz correctly and
insert all kinds of animations.

The next step in my learning is to make a movie, cartoon or a story on
Kahootz this gives me proof that I can use Kahootz.
By Tim

alexanders reflection of the 9 june

today i learned how to use kahootz

because of this learning i can now use kahootz for fun and to benefit my learning and use it for uses like on the brain storm mr clarke did with us

i do not understand why they did not put in a thing so that you can put in you own sound files

my next step in learning to learning to use kahootz is to use it independently in a group so that i am not asking for a teacher all the time.

from alexander

Reflection- Kahootz 3D modelling

Today Meredith and Travis came in to show team 13 Kahootz. We had a session where students were able to play and explore the programme for a while, then we brainstormed how we could use it to enhance our learning. The team came up with all sorts of great ideas and I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with. I learned that it is important to have time to explore and play.

One thing that I don't understand is how to get QuickTime Pro so that we can export the kahootz Xpresssions as movies. I need to ask Mrs Wilson how to do this.

The next step in my learning is to ask Kim how to get QuickTime Pro so we can export the Xpressions to movies and put them into iMovie. That is when we can put them on the team 13 web site for all to see!

Finally got it going

I've finally figured out how to get the Team 13 blog into my own dashboard! I think that the Fendalton spam filter is picking up the invitations from blogger which invites people to contribute to the blog. The next step in my learning is to get people to send an invite to their personal email accounts so they can set up their blog account.
Mr Clarke

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Reflection- guitar

Today I learned another guitar position used in a lot of songs. It was
difficult and I have still not mastered it yet. At soccer practice we
played two quite fun soccer skill games.

Because of this learning I can now play songs on the spot without them
needing to be prewritten.

The next step in my learning is to learn another good positioning so I can
combine them and use them together.
By Tim

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Reflection- Kahootz

Today I learned about a new programme called Kahootz! It was really fun. Kahootz is a 3D modelling and animation programme which is really different and allows you to make a 'world' in which things can move, have sound and all sorts of things- like link to other objects and so on. I reckon there is a lot of potential for this kind of software and am looking forward to using it with team 13. You can even export your Kahootz Xpressions as quicktime movies which is pretty cool, because then you could import these into iMovie and put sound tracks with them- very exciting stuff. Kahootz has a web site where people can share their Kahootz Xpressions with each other too:

The next step in my learning is to share Kahootz with team 13 and see what their ideas are for using it in our learning. My idea is to create a virtual art gallery first so we can have a permanent record of our learning.

Friday, June 03, 2005


test can you see this

alexander says
see you at school