Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Reflection- the word pedagogy

Today I learned that that there is no word for learners relating to the word pedagogy. I learned this by going online to the Visual Thesarus and looking it up. I realised this when reading a book I'm referring to for my keynote in Dunedin called 'The Children's Machine' by Seymour Papert.

Something I didn't understand is that I thought this word meant 'the art and science of teaching children' when according to VT it really only means 'the science of teaching or instruction'. A colleague I met at the thinking conference in Melbourne described it as the 'art and science of teaching'. I checked with our Oxford dictionary at home and yes, it is the art and science of teaching...

Because of this learning I now have a deeper understanding of the word pedagogy and how it relates to teaching and learning. It has also led me to question what I say more closely, because I believe that what we say becomes who we are and what we do.

The next step in my learning is to try to invent a new word for the 'art and science of learning' or 'being a great learner'.

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