Friday, June 12, 2009

Term 2 Week 7

This week Team 13 . . .

Learnt about the blend 'thr' with words like thrill, through, thrush, three, thread, and throb - Anna-Lucy and class

Learnt how to write a diary - Ryan & Reilly

Went to different classes on Tuesday morning because Miss Kincaid went with the choir to Burnside High School - Dan. This was scary says Jackson. It was exciting because some epople got to do some things they haven't done for a long time like PMP - Eliza.

We changed the classroom around and I like it because my tote-tray is on a different side. Sometimes I get confused and forget that I have moved my seat and my tote-tray - Mary.

On Monday only the teachers had to go to school and the kids got the day off - Kyle.

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