Friday, June 26, 2009

Term 2 Week 9

What have we learnt this week?

* We've been learning the a_e sounds - Anna-Lucy. Make, Rate, Change, Drake, fake, flake etc

* The junior playhouse was being built on Friday this week and the opening will be next Monday. - Annabelle

* We have been looking at the primary and secondary colours with our buddy class and then how to manipulate the colours of the rainbow to make white. - Alex and Miss Kincaid

* We've been doing a poem called the magic e that changes words. - Eliza

* Keenan was our star child this week.

* Miss Kincaid went with the choir again and we got to go to different classes for the morning. - Team 13

* We did our poetry with our buddy class in room 9 today (friday)

* The toilets were broken and they stunk out our classroom for a wee while so we went outside and did jump jam - Miss Kincaid

* At can do time Annabelle, Mary and Cass all decorated and made some magnets. - Mary

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